Donald Trump’s Immigration Travel Ban is now backed by the Supreme Court

Posted on 12/04/2017 by Mark Ivener

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Donald Trump’s updated version of the travel ban has been approved by the Supreme court as of Monday December 4th, 2017. The supreme court justices believe the updated version of the travel ban is within the president’s powers under immigration laws and is not anti-Muslim in intent as was speculated in earlier versions of the bill.
The justices granted the Trump administration’s request which blocked lower court decisions which would have prevented the ban from going into effect. Although two of the justices claim that they are in opposition to the new travel ban, for now the travel ban will not be blocked by the court.

What does the new ban mean for visa immigration in the United States?

Immigrants from Chad, Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, North Korea, and Somalia will be blocked from entry into the United States under the new version of the ban. Specific government officials from Venezuela will also be denied entry into America under the new ban. Further information on the details of the Immigration travel ban here.

What does this mean for existing Visa holders in America?

No existing visas in America will be disturbed or revoked but moving forward the bill will prevent visas from all affected countries.

Opposition to the immigration travel ban

The original U.S. Ninth Circuit Of appeals rejection of the new travel ban has attempted to delay the process but the court of appeals will hear arguments later this week about whether there Is a component of the bill that discriminates on people based on their nationality and religion. The official fate of the ban remains to be seen as it is pushed through the legal process but the 4th circuit court will start as early as Friday to make arguments about the immigration travel ban.

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About the Author

Mark Ivener is an experienced business and EB-5 immigration attorney who has written 5 books on Immigration Law as well as has written numerous articles and spoken at many events on EB-5 topics.
