Who Qualifies for an EB-5 Green Card?
Qualified EB-5 candidates must be able to invest either $1.8 million or $900,000 in a U.S. business, depending on the program selected.
Ideal EB-5 prospects include but are not limited to:
- Retirees
- Entrepreneurs, including those who don’t qualify for an E-2 visa
- Investors from non-treaty countries
- CEO/Managers of a U.S. company who are not an L-1 transferee
- Doctors who have not passed USMLE 1, 2 and 3
- F-1 student who wants to start a business
- Foreign national investors in a U.S. business who do not want to be active in the business
- Individual owners of a non-U.S. business who want to set up a U.S. business, but who cannot use an L-1 because owner intends to close the foreign business
- L-1 applicants from China with cases under Consular investigation
- Parents who seek a U.S. education for their children, but do not want to be actively involved in business management
To learn more about EB-5, read the Frequently Asked Questions section which may answer your initial questions.
To learn more about the EB-5 Green Card program, schedule a free consultation with EB-5 Green Card attorney Mark Ivener. Your total investment will vary with your investment choice, your due diligence, and other factors.

Get your questions answered - call me for your free, 20-minute phone consultation (310) 477-3000